Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Invitation to connect on LinkedIn

Jonathan Graves
From Jonathan Graves
Sales Account Executive at Unified Companies
Greater Chicago Area

I'd like to add you to my professional network on LinkedIn.

- Jonathan

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Thursday, September 13, 2012

TV Ads and Marketing for Lutheran Schools

This is the company I work for, and here is some great information about our programs. I think this is something that Lutheran Schools could afford to do in groups. What I'm wondering is:

  1. Since they're usually charging tuition anyway, then what else can they do financially?
  2. Even though it's an outreach of the congregation that founded the school, in what ways can the school make its own decisions?
  3. Would the church make the decision to put out marketing/outreach messages in the community, in order to bring children into the schools?
Please pass this along to someone so we can get more ideas. I want to see a commercial on the soon, if possible.

========== Unified Companies Email ==========

I'd like to present to you the opportunity to market the Lutheran schools on TV, as well as through other marketing services. We'll also give you a free listing in 2 online directories and a free marketing analysis just to show you that we care about you.

What if TV advertising were an option for small businesses? It is one of the smartest marketing decisions a company can make, which is why the big companies keep doing it. TV offers returns 10 times greater than radio and print. I hope you can sense the potential like I can: 30,000 people in your area watching your commercial every airing! 160 airings per month! Once someone's been exposed to your name just 9 times - according to marketing studies - they'll make the decision to BUY from YOU! And that's how it works. You only need to choose the networks that are right for your clientele, and how much air time you would like.

The best way to utilize TV advertising is through Unified Companies' package deal known as UnifiedBizClub. You will receive a number of helpful marketing services, including:
  • Commercial television airing for three months in your Zone,
  • More TV advertising options like short 5-, 10-, and 15-second spots,
  • 1-year listings in the UnifiedBizClub and gosmallbiz.com directories
  • Internet advertising,
  • Web hosting with email,
  • A professional web-based video,
  • Print advertising in the forms of mailers and publications, and
  • LegalShield(sm) legal business protection.
I have also included some of our clients' commercials for you to see our work. Their businesses have become a brand, and are growing in their communities right now! Because TV advertising is now affordable for small businesses, don't let your competition get ahead of you. So click the Get Started Now button to go directly to the registration form.  If you would like me to walk you through it or answer your questions, just call me at 866-936-0515 x12, or email me. I'll be happy to help you! It's possible that soon you're going to be on TV!

Anyway, I do thank you for your time and consideration, and God's blessings on your business!

Jon Graves
Independent Sales Executive
Unified Companies
866-936-0515, x12


Click on any picture to see the broadcast commercial.
U Next Barber Academy     The Full Slab   
  Hillary's Chicken     Jose's Auto Repair

Your commercial will air in
The Glenview - Evanston Zone

Communities Covered
Glenview, Golf, Evanston, Lincolnwood, Maine Township, Morton Grove, New Trier Township, Niles, Northbrook, Northfield, Skokie,
Uninc. Des Plaines, Uninc. Mt. Prospect, Uninc. Northbrook, Wilmette

Zip Codes Covered60016*, 60022*, 60025, 60026, 60029, 60053, 60056*, 60062, 60068*, 60076,
60077,60082, 60091, 60093, 60201, 60202, 60203, 60208, 60712, 60714*
*Entire zip code is not covered in this zone.

Air Times
5:00 am to 4:00 pm.

Get 3 Networks:
Any 1
Any 1
Any 1 of C or D
Or up to 5 Networks:

Any 1
2-4 of any of C or D

A - Tier
B - Tier
C - Tier
D - Tier


















Cartoon Network



* Central, North Lake Indy, Oak Park, South, S Suburban, & Southwest Zones


Soon, your business will be showing in the homes of your future customers!
Television works. What's your message to the world?

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Response From a Christian on Jim Rohn's Advice

(My own advertisement for a creative project that needs your help: Please support this Christian outreach project for Christmas. I don't have the funds to do this myself. https://sites.google.com/site/santacartoonbook/. Thank you so much for your help! It will be wonderful to sell this book in bookstores across the country.)

I watched this for work. I have to say that I am appalled by Jim Rohn's twisting of Bible verses, taking the Lord out of them and using them to his own advantage. Jim Rohn's philosophies, blasphemy in the first 2 min. It sure is difficult for the rich to enter into the Kingdom of Heaven. I know he's passed away, and I hope and pray that he was a Christian. It sure doesn't sound like it in this clip.

I took notes on his points, and wrote a response intended to be a more Christian way of saying what he "figured out." I'm sorry it's so messy. I hope it's still legible.

Jim Rohn's advice in italics
My Response in regular print

success is something you attract  have faith - act out what you believe to be true. If it's true, people will see God's glory and be attracted to it. The world wants eternal life...without God. They study Christian life and try to copy it while taking God out.
work hard on self, and make a fortune Seek first Kingdom of Heaven

twists Bible verses, takes God out

if you search, you will find, therefore finding is for searchers

if 2-3 agree on a binding purpose, nothing is impossible

getting people to work together

the power of "let's"
have faith. Everything starts with ideas, then conflict, then agreement, then contracts, then money, then materials, whether it's Godly or unGodly. But if we're seeking after the Lord, He's not going to let us have something He doesn't want us to have. It would be pretty embarrassing to build an empire only to find out it's build on sand.
power of recognition & reward naturally we go toward what gives positive results, and recognition and rewards certainly build comradery and feelings of accomplishment. But is the Lord rolling his eyes, or is He also taking part in the reward? As the giver of the compliment, to not judge too harshly, I think the Lord wants us to listen for His voice. If it doesn't sound like Him, just keep looking for what does, either in that person, or outside of that person. So for example, if you're looking for McDonald's and the person says, "Would you like to try a Whopper meal?" then you're in the wrong place.
be so busy giving recognition that you don't need it for yourself Be content with your lot in life, and think of others more highly than yourself.
greatest sklll that changed my life was

1. communication, hopefully he learned that loving others is greater, and includes communication as well.

2. teaching Some people have it, and some don't. It's a gift from God. You can learn it, but if you don't have it, God probably wants you to team up with someone who has it. The reason why it's so important is that it passes along the Name. The Lord's name, and any other name we try to operate under, within His Name, of course
not just training

3. setting goals Again, seek His Face, and seek the kingdom of heaven and His righteousness. Everything else will be added. Preface everytyhing with,"If it's the Lor'ds will..." Ask for something, and there are ways in which the Lord will give it to you, possibly even immediately. He's a real person and He's really listening. You may think that something is what you want, but when you finally have it, it makes you sad or angry. Example: marrying someone you don't truly love, Another: What sports car was discontinued recently? Imagine saving up for that for years. Don't worry about tomorrow. Each day has enough trouble of its own. If it's important enough to keep seeking the next day, keep asknig the Lord for it, and you'll be focused and working toward it the Lord won't let you forget it if He wants you to have it, and you'll be free of your stress.

4. Celebrate accomplishments of the goals There is a time for rejoicing!
A little note about seeking money. The Lord knows you sometimes need it, and that you usually just want the resources you can buy with it. It can be used as a measuring stick, if, for example, you need a down payment for a house, etc. but you can't serve both God and money. Having money for the sake of having that much money will not prove to be rewarding, or healthy for a spiritual life.

Host: What did you have to change first about yourself?
Get an appetite for learning ina manner that will help you to change
(Buddhism? Taoism?)
Christians tend to start a little deeper: We're rotten on the inside and we need a whole new Life!

Develop my library, knowledge, awareness
Bible, prayer, and church (also including reading materials written by other Christians, blogs, texts, etc.) We don't throw out what professing non-Christians say. We still seek the Voice of the Good Shephard there, also. Perhaps the Lord is calling the non-Christian who is trying to teach us.

What you think about is like the sail. No matter how the storm blows, if you have a place you want to arrive at, you have to adjust the sail. That's your thinking, ideas, information. Being short on that will cause you difficulty in the future.
We should be careful with physical objects that the Lord has already used in the Bible. If God created it, it was for His glory, adn for us to glorify Him. If He gave it to us as an example, it was for us to understand our relationship with Him better. Paul talked about ships and rudders, and interestingly enough, water usually refers to new life and people and wind is the Holy Spirit. Remember the Lord's breath on the disciples, and Him saying "Receive the Holy Spirit"? Elijah and the gentle wind? When God says that we are salt of the earth, that means that salt was created so that we would understand how we are like salt. We were in mind first, salt was second. Changing their significance can actually set us back spiritually.