Friday, August 23, 2013

For Ideas People and the Highly Ambitious (In Faith)

Other "ideas" people and highly ambitious people may find this helpful.Some of us really have trouble keeping our feet on the ground, and we justify it with our faith. In sales, as a Christian, it is so easy think that God just "led" me to a certain place or person and this person MUST buy from me! We forget that there are many other forces at work. God is not pleased with us if we neglect the warnings He gave us, like the other spiritual forces that prowl around seeking to devour us. He also doesn't like it if we don't do what He commanded in His Word, like work within the Body of Christ, and keep a clear conscience.

Should i depend on family for any assistance to while I'm working a risky job, or even in a job search itself?We should always depend on family and friends for assistance. They will help in whatever way they can, and it's their responsibility to control what and how much they do. We can also go to other entities. Perhaps our church has special funds or assistance programs, or government programs. It's not wrong to ask, and asking is part of Life.

Should I take risks based on faith?
Taking uncalculated and unaffordable risks is not being faithful to God. It's chasing dreams, and asking God to do miracles, both of which the Bible speaks against. We have to operate on the notion that even in our most transfigured state, we are still fallible human beings who are called to function within the realms of the Body of Christ, and conscience, which come from God's Word and Sacraments.

As always, I recommend the Lutheran Church, Missouri Synod for a church home, or the Wisconsin Synod, if you need one. Neither one is perfect, but they are highly organized and work very hard to do everything based on God's Word, not on whims and fancies, for the same reason presented here: many spiritual forces are at work, and we are fallible human beings.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Jim Kukral Article and a Christian Response

This article was published at the NFIB and distributed through Fox News.

On the website I left a comment to relate this article to Faith, which is also eprinted below.

13 Reasons You're Not As Successful As You Should Be by Jim Kukral

Guest Post by Jim Kukral

Jim KukralJim Kukral speaks and writes books about business and marketing. His latest book isBusiness Around a Lifestyle Volume 2 and is available

Follow Jim on Twitter @JimKukral.

More from Jim on

Feeling down about your small business these days? Is the broken economy hurting your sales and keeping you up at night? Need some motivation and tough love to help you stop pitying yourself? Well, here you go: 13 reasons you might have in your head about why you're not as successful as you should be.

#1 Reason You’re Not As Successful As You Should Be – Laziness

I don’t think there’s an easy way to put this. I have to assume that you’re lazy. Every single successful person works their butts off to get where they are. It’s ok to be lazy. Just admit it. But don’t whine about not being rich and successful, ok?

#2 Reason You’re Not As Successful As You Should Be – Entitlement

Only a few people in the world are part of the lucky sperm club. You and me? We gotta work to get what we want. Quit thinking you are owed something. You’re not. Get to work.

#3 Reason You’re Not As Successful As You Should Be – Fear

You are afraid, plain and simple. Afraid of looking silly. Afraid of what your friends and family will say. Afraid of everything. Look, you’re either going to stop being afraid, or you’re not. Nobody can convince you to stop. Imagine though... what awaits you when you stop with the fear excuses?

#4 Reason You’re Not As Successful As You Should Be – Negativity

You may not realize it, but the people you associate with might be negative [orifices]. They could be soul-sucking beings who don’t want anyone to be successful. Get rid of them, now! Surround yourself with successful people. People you want to be like.

#5 Reason You’re Not As Successful As You Should Be – Stop Thinking

How much do you want to bet you have paralysis by analysis? You think way too much about what you could or should do. Doers get what they want, and everyone else gets what they get. Stop analyzing and start doing.

#6 Reason You’re Not As Successful As You Should Be – No Goals

You plan nothing. You believe that someway, somehow, everything you always wanted will just magically happen. So you “play it by ear” and wait. You need goals to shoot for. Otherwise, you’re just treading water.

#7 Reason You’re Not As Successful As You Should Be – “They”

There’s no “they”. There’s no secret group of people that controls your success or failure. You’ve made that up to make you feel better about yourself. The truth is you, and you alone, control your success in life/business/everything. It’s easy to blame “them” though, isn’t it? Weak.

#8 Reason You’re Not As Successful As You Should Be – No “X” Factor

You can’t do it because you’re not pretty enough. Or don’t have a strong personality? You don’t have the “X” factor? Wow, what an unbelievably lame excuse. The truth is even jerks, idiots and boring people can be just as successful as anyone else. Your problem is you don’t believe it yet.

#9 Reason You’re Not As Successful As You Should Be – Time Waste

You’re a classic time-waster. You spend hours and hours every day working on not-working. You do things that aren’t productive. How are you ever going to get anything done, or reach any goal if you keep wasting time? You’re not. So you might as well give up now if you’re going to keep this path.

#10 Reason You’re Not As Successful As You Should Be – Social B.S.

You spend way too much time in social media land.  You waste probably about 50% of your productive hours of the day doing this. The sad part is, you know it, but you can’t stop. So you can’t get anything done that matters.

#11 Reason You’re Not As Successful As You Should Be – Think Small

You think way too small. You are constantly looking only a day or a week ahead instead of years ahead. Because of this, you never get anywhere, and you never lead; you always follow.

#12 Reason You’re Not As Successful As You Should Be – Don’t Want It

You don’t really want to be successful. Sure, you like to dream about it like everyone else. But in your heart you are afraid of what might happen if you really get it. That’s B.S. fear your brain is feeding you. Success is change, and it feels really, really good. Tell your brain to shut the [foolishness] up.

#13 Reason You’re Not As Successful As You Should Be – Don’t Believe

You never believed that it’s possible. Society taught you that only a few “exceptional” people get what they want. Everyone else should just settle. If you really want to believe that, go ahead. The rest of us will be at the front of the line because we believe.


It's amazing how we think everything depends on our intellect. I wish the author would have mentioned the spiritual connection. His points can be found in the Bible, which teaches the whole Truth. But here, separated from the Word of God, it uses God's teaching but takes the person of God out of it, as if God will always respond to you with success if you think this way. I was just recently enjoying tremendous success making sales. Then I sinned this week - I did something I know God didn't want me to do. Suddenly the people I was trying to close sales with started changing their minds, coming up with excuses and skepticism. And that could result in me not making quotas and eventually cause my termination. And this has NOTHING to do with my attitude. God changes hearts. Being successful is having more of life as you understand and like it to be. Jesus Christ said that He IS Life. When He has someone who is listening to Him, He will not let the person be "successful" if they're living in sin. That person will get to their "happy place" without him. He rescues us from a "beautiful" short life to hold on to us for ETERNAL LIFE. Real success is simply found in knowing by faith that God has saved you from all your sins through Jesus' sacrifice of His own Life to pay the price. God will put you where He wants and needs you to be in this life!

Please leave your feedback so we can reach out to the lost, and help them in their sales career as well.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Christian Book Project Needs Your Support

I'm reaching out to everyone I've met to help me with start a project I truly believe in. Thank you for reading my blog. Would you please consider supporting this creative project? It's a Christian cartoon book that will be a nice witnessing tool to sit on coffee tables over Christmas when family and friends come over. I don't have the funds to get started, so I need to seek your loving and prayerful support. I have explained everything on the official web page, at this link: Thank you so much for your help! It will be wonderful to sell this book in bookstores across the country.