Friday, August 23, 2013

For Ideas People and the Highly Ambitious (In Faith)

Other "ideas" people and highly ambitious people may find this helpful.Some of us really have trouble keeping our feet on the ground, and we justify it with our faith. In sales, as a Christian, it is so easy think that God just "led" me to a certain place or person and this person MUST buy from me! We forget that there are many other forces at work. God is not pleased with us if we neglect the warnings He gave us, like the other spiritual forces that prowl around seeking to devour us. He also doesn't like it if we don't do what He commanded in His Word, like work within the Body of Christ, and keep a clear conscience.

Should i depend on family for any assistance to while I'm working a risky job, or even in a job search itself?We should always depend on family and friends for assistance. They will help in whatever way they can, and it's their responsibility to control what and how much they do. We can also go to other entities. Perhaps our church has special funds or assistance programs, or government programs. It's not wrong to ask, and asking is part of Life.

Should I take risks based on faith?
Taking uncalculated and unaffordable risks is not being faithful to God. It's chasing dreams, and asking God to do miracles, both of which the Bible speaks against. We have to operate on the notion that even in our most transfigured state, we are still fallible human beings who are called to function within the realms of the Body of Christ, and conscience, which come from God's Word and Sacraments.

As always, I recommend the Lutheran Church, Missouri Synod for a church home, or the Wisconsin Synod, if you need one. Neither one is perfect, but they are highly organized and work very hard to do everything based on God's Word, not on whims and fancies, for the same reason presented here: many spiritual forces are at work, and we are fallible human beings.

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